Monday 4 May 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Last weeks Menu Plan went perfectly until I got to the end of the week, then I ended up going out or cooking something else. On Friday night I was supposed to meet a friend but she cancelled at the last minute so I had to whip up something quickly out of items in my fridge. I went for a Parma Ham, Green Bean and Asparagus Pesto Pasta dish. It was really tasty and quick to make.

I also failed to make the cook book recipe this week so it goes into next week's Menu Plan Monday. I had the Seafood Ramen noodles at Wagamama instead and the best cheesecake I have had in ages. They do a white chocolate and ginger cheesecake and it was so good. I'm still trying to clear out the freezer with some success, so most of the meals this week are things I have cooked before, or things straight from the freezer, only three weeks to go!

Lunch: Out for Baked Potato
Dinner: Venison Pie with Veggies

Lunch: Out for Noodles
Dinner: Chicken with Sour Cream and Red Pepper, Wilted Spinach with Mustard Seeds and Naan Bread

Lunch: Salad with Salami, Cheese etc
Dinner: Out with my Dad

Lunch: Dim Sum Platter
Dinner: Pasta with Mustard Greens

Lunch: Moroccan Vegetable Pie, Salad
Dinner: Thai Fishcakes, Veggie Noodles

Lunch: Prawn Cocktail with Lettuce and a Bread Roll
Dinner: Baked Smoked Haddock with Colcannon

Lunch: Out at the Real Food Show
Dinner: Out maybe or buying something from the Real Food Show


  1. It all sound so good, especially the colcannon!



  2. That pasta dish sounds like a lovely combination!
