
Friday 7 February 2014

Roast Duck Breasts with Maple Syrup Vinaigrette

On the first attempt at making the maple vinaigrette I took my eye off the ball and made a horrible burnt sticky mess. Second time round it worked. This was different, would I bother again no probably not but it was nice as a posh meal and used up bits and bobs. I served it with butternut squash mash and green veg.

Roast Duck Breasts with Maple Syrup Vinaigrette (from Good Food Magazine December 2007)
(Serves 4)

4 duck breasts, skin on
4 tbsp maple syrup
1½ tbsp sherry vinegar
1½ tbsp groundnut oil
1 tbsp hazelnut oil
salt and pepper
225g wild mushrooms
25g butter
250g spinach, stalks removed
Score the duck breast skin with a sharp knife. Season with salt and pepper, and place, fat-side down, in a frying pan over a medium heat. Continue to colour the skin for 10-12 mins before turning the duck over and frying for a further 4-5 mins. Remove and keep warm.

Meanwhile, boil the maple syrup and simmer until just 2 tbsp are left before removing from the heat and whisking in the sherry vinegar, groundnut and hazelnut oils. Season with salt and pepper.

While the duck is resting, heat a frying pan and add half the butter.When the butter melts add the mushrooms, season and then cook until just tender. Add the rest of the butter, then the spinach and cook for the a couple of minutes to wilt.

To serve, divide the spinach and mushrooms among 4 plates. Cut each breast into 5-6 slices and place on top of the spinach and mushrooms. Drizzle with the maple syrup vinaigrette.

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